Seattle to Bellingham
Architectural Sheet Metal Fabrication

Forming Ideas in Metal
Since 1991, RSI has been turning great ideas into tangible products. Whether your concept is sketched out on a scratch pad at the jobsite or drafted in the boardroom, we have the know-how to make your vision a reality.
At RSI we understand that the project keeps rolling with or without you. So we don't just sell metal fabrication, we provide services that integrate reliably into your product development process. We contribute to your success with timely, dependable schedules and quality products that work the first time.
Who We Are
Established in 1991, RSI has become the premier architectural sheet metal job shop in the Puget Sound Area. It is our goal to offer the best quality work in the fastest timeframe, but to do so with unquestionable personal and professional integrity.
Our commitment to this level of service, quality and integrity has allowed us to grow almost exclusively by word of mouth into one of the largest architectural job shops in the Northwest.
What We Do
No job too large or small. While we are known for our work on jobs such as Safeco Field, SeaTac, Anchorage and Portland Airport expansions, we also provide excellent service to home owners everyday on the smallest flashing orders.
In this web site you'll find detailed descriptions of our capabilities, photographs of projects on which we've had the pleasure of working, as well as links to qualified installers, and, coming soon... resources for designing and budgeting your project with RSI.
Contact us.